Winter Breeze

AED : 160

  • 12 white roses bouquet with fillers and off white wrapping
  • Free Delivery in Dubai and Sharjah between 9 AM and 6 PM

Ask for 12 White Roses Bouquet Delivery

Winter Breeze presents 12 white roses bouquet delivery in Dubai and Sharjah between 9 AM and 6 PM on all working days. Feel different and feel the breeze of comfort in the company of a person matching your interest. Let go and let sufferings disappear from life and thus a winter cool feeling appears in our lives. When you need a turning point or a new happy beginning this may be an ideal starter. Act of sending such a beautiful present can touch a heart with all its tender might.

We put all the efforts to accomplish our dreams and also help others achieve theirs. But most of the time, it is not in our hands or control. Does everything happen by destiny or it all happens by a free will of ours? Truth is that something is in our control but many others are not. Why do we discuss efforts and dreams when we think of 12 white roses? The reason is simple, we get what we give, in the same or another form! Keep giving such nice gifts with the help of direct flower shops in Dubai.




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